
onepixel·link - a no nonsense API-first URL shortener for geeks

Getting Started

Currently the only way to use 1px.li is via the REST API. Please read the API docs to get started.

NOTE: You need to subscribe to get an account to use the API

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Razorpay recommended for Indian users (supports UPI), Lemon Squeezy for others

API Driven

APIs are the first class-citizen to interact with 1px.li
Creating links, getting stats, etc. is all done via the API.
The admin UI can be a website, an app, a CLI, or anything else.

The roadmap includes a first-party CLI, a web UI, and a mobile app (in that order of priority).

Open Source

The entire project is open-source, and you can self host it if you like to.
This website, the API, the backend, everything auto-deploys from the Github repo.
It will remain open-source for the foreseeable future.

Source Code on Github
If you want to contribute, please do. Contributors get a free subscription.

Function over Form

This is build to be functional, fast and reliable.
The goal is to focus on shortening URLs and getting stats.

Flashy dashboards, collecting user data, tons of marketing tool integrations are not the goal.

bit.ly or dub.co are better alternatives if you need a social media marketing swiss knife.